With 1-more-clip, your copied items are neatly sorted, ready to be selected and pasted to any project, script or layout.
1-more-clip works with
- tables
- fields
- layout objects
- scripts
- script steps
- value lists
- custom menus
- menu sets

Super easy to use
Always there when you need it: open it from the menu bar
Its compact interface doesn’t take up half of your screen!
Bruckert Frédéric –
Great Tool ! Thanks !
Is there a way to transfer code snippets to another computer ?
Fabrice Nordmann –
thank you for the comment.
Currently no -well, technically yes, you can move the database from the Library folder-, but we’re thinking about having an online shared database so you could share clips with colleagues. Is this something you’d be interested in?
Fabrice Nordmann –
Just added an item to the FAQ
giulio villani –
REALLY a excellent tool: only a suggestion (GUI-side). In my opinion in the snippet list the will be better to have the description bigger than the category.
I mean: for me is more useful to know what a snippet DO (i.e. « LOOP_CREATE_FROM_$LIST ») than what a snippet IS (« script steps(x) » ).
Fabrice Nordmann –
Good point. That is why we went for colors, because you can mentally switch between seeing the big colored, upper case texts (type), and the white small description.
It’s almost fun to see how the brain can switch between the two. But we’ll see if we can make it even easier. Grazie per il suo contributo.
Massimo Risca –
Nice! Do you plan to do this for Windows too?
Fabrice Nordmann –
hello. We’re still considering that option. Might happen, but not immediately.
David Zakary –
Finding 1-more-clip to be really useful. I am having a couple of issues with it however… 1) it won’t always start automatically despite having the preferences set to and 2) I can’t add more than 8 items. This is a registered copy. The + button is greyed out and inactive.
Fabrice Nordmann –
these are 2 unknown issues. I’ll forward your request to our support team.
Kind Regards
Fabrice Nordmann –
Our helpdesk could help you and it turns out there was a problem on your system. We hope you now fully enjoy 1-more-clip.
Milan Mujovic –
Fantastic tool. I have been using Matt Petrowsky « FM Recipes » app for the same purpose for years but i can see that i will switch to 1-More-Clip, this is so well done. The app is already brilliant and very useful as it is, nevertheless, as « users » do, i would ask for 1 more thing, however challenging – would it be possible to copy and paste a number of chosen items, for example 5 custom value lists in one go. Should we hope for this feature in the future?
And 1 more that might be less challenging – could we have folders to store particular items/objects/functionalities inside it.
Just a few suggestions in case you are planning to develop this further, it is already great as it is though, very useful.
Fabrice Nordmann –
thank you for your message and suggestions.
– Folders: we probably won’t, because it makes it a bit difficult to use, the real plus of 1-more-clip is it’s simplicity, I think.
– Multiple selection before copying. This would be nice but only if all items are visible after you filtered them… We should think about it. But a single clip can contain several items (for instance I have a « text parsing functions » clip, or a « user accounts scripts » one…
Milan Mujovic –
The single clip with several items works just fine, thank you for the tip. I realised also that we can put some key words in the description and filter the clips by those – in that way we can get all we need for a particular module or functionality (tables, fields, scripts, value lists…) under one umbrella (in this case one key phrase), which takes away the need for folders. Great staff!